InfoBytes Blog
CFPB issues HMDA filing reminders and tips
On January 18, the CFPB issued “reminders and tips” for preparing and uploading submission for 2021 HMDA data, which will close for on-time submissions on March 1. As previously covered by InfoBytes, the filing period for HMDA data collected in 2021 opened on January 1. According to the CFPB, filers are encouraged to utilize the 2021 Beta Platform to test their loan/application register files prior to submission, which is available on an ongoing basis. However, no data submitted on the Beta Platform will be considered for compliance with HMDA data reporting requirements. Regarding open-end thresholds, the threshold for reporting data about open-end lines of credit is 200 in each of the two preceding calendar years, which became effective January 1. The CFPB also noted, among other things, that: (i) the Legal Entity Identifier, used to register with the HMDA Platform and submit HMDA data must relate to the institution covered by Regulation C; (ii) an institution is required to report whether the obligation arising from a covered loan was, or for an application would have been, initially payable to the institution, except for purchased covered loans and transactions covered by a partial exemption; and (iii) users can use their existing credentials to log in to the 2021 HMDA Data Platform.