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DFPI requests comments on oversight of crypto asset-related financial products and services
On June 1, the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) issued a request for public comments from stakeholders on developing guidance related to the oversight of crypto asset-related financial products and services. DFPI will proceed with rulemaking under the authority of the California Consumer Financial Protection Law (CCFPL). The request is in accordance with an executive order issued by the California governor last month, which called on the state to create a transparent and consistent framework for companies operating in blockchain, cryptocurrency, and related financial technologies. (Covered by InfoBytes here.) DFPI’s request outlines various topics and questions concerning regulatory priorities, CCFPL regulation and supervision, and marketing monitoring functions, but notes that stakeholders “may comment on any potential area for rulemaking relating to crypto asset-related financial products and services,” including under other statutes administered or enforced by DFPI such as the Corporate Securities Law, Escrow Law, California Financing Law, or Money Transmission Act. The deadline to submit comments is August 5.