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Financial Services Law Insights and Observations


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  • CFPB reports consumer complaints on credit card rewards programs

    Federal Issues

    On May 9, the CFPB issued a report on credit card rewards programs which highlighted the CFPB’s views on issues affecting millions of consumers. The report opened with a note that the CFPB received over 1,200 complaints regarding credit card rewards in 2023, reportedly a 70 percent increase since before the pandemic, and according to the CFPB, the research found that the benefits of rewards programs “fail to exceed” the costs of credit cards for many borrowers. The report identified four themes: consumers felt misled by vague or hidden conditions that do not match marketing materials from issuers; consumers lost out when card issuers devalue rewards; consumers faced obstacles when card issuers do not resolve redemption issues; and consumers lost rewards when accounts are closed.

    In a live panel between the Director of the CFPB, Rohit Chopra, Secretary of the DOT, Pete Buttigieg, and airline trade leaders on credit card reward programs, Chopra noted that there were 550 million credit cards in the U.S. which collectively account for over $1 trillion in consumer debt. Chopra also stated the CFPB will review how it can protect consumers against the devaluation of credit card points. In the panel, Chopra asked the trade groups what they would like the CFPB to do regarding credit card terms and conditions: some organizations asked for greater transparency in points systems, with one suggesting that credit card issuers’ ability to change terms mid-contract should be prohibited.

    Federal Issues CFPB UDAAP Credit Cards Rewards Programs

  • CFPB publishes the mortgage servicer edition of its Supervisory Highlights

    Federal Issues

    On April 24, the CFPB published its 33rd edition of its Supervisory Highlights which covers select examinations and violations regarding mortgage servicing from April 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. This edition of Supervisory Highlights focused on alleged violations of law identified in CFPB examinations including (i) charging illegal junk fees including impermissible property inspection and late fees; (ii) UDAAP violations; and (iii) violations of Regulation X loss mitigation requirements. The Bureau made clear in its press release that it plans to continue its focus on combatting junk fees within and beyond the mortgage servicing space.

    The CFPB highlighted several violations of law resulting from mortgage servicers’ payment processing practices including the charging of property inspection fees in connection with certain Fannie Mae loans in violation of investor guidelines. To rectify this, servicers addressed system errors causing the fees in question, enhanced oversight, and were instructed to compensate affected borrowers. Other payment processing-related violations identified by the Bureau included failure to adequately describe fees in periodic statements by using the term “service fee” to describe 18 different fee types and failure to make timely disbursements from escrow accounts in violation of Regulation X.

    The Bureau also identified unfair practices relating to the charging of late fees in excess of the amount authorized in the loan agreement or after consumers had entered into loss mitigation agreements, which should have prevented late fees. Servicers identified as having engaged in such violations were required to refund the fees to consumers and improve internal processes in response to the findings.

    The CFPB also identified violations of law relating to loss mitigation and loan modifications. Examiners noted that some servicers failed to provide a written notice confirming the receipt of loss mitigation applications and informing consumers of whether the application was complete or incomplete. Further, some servicers failed to provide timely and complete notices of loss mitigation options.  Additionally, some servicers, in violation of Regulation X, failed to waive existing fees after borrowers had accepted Covid-19 hardship loan modifications.

    Examiners also found that certain servicers committed deceptive practices by sending out delinquency notices incorrectly stating that consumers had missed payments and needed to apply for loss mitigation when those consumers were actually up to date on their payments, enrolled in trial modification plans, or had inactive loans (such as those already paid off or in the process of a short sale).

    Finally, the Bureau identified violations of law relating to (i) live contact and early intervention requirements in connection with delinquency and (ii) failure to retain adequate records.

    Federal Issues CFPB Consumer Finance Consumer Protection Mortgages Mortgage Servicing Supervision UDAAP CFPA Unfair Deceptive

  • CFPB warns remittance transfer providers against falsely advertising the costs and speed of transfers

    Federal Issues

    On March 27, the CFPB issued a circular cautioning remittance transfer providers against falsely advertising the costs or speed of sending transfers to avoid violating the CFPA’s prohibition on deceptive acts or practices. The CFPB would administer and enforce the Remittance Rule under the EFTA, but the Bureau noted that remittance providers also can be liable under the CFP Act for deceptive marketing practices, regardless of whether they comply with the Remittance Rule’s disclosure requirements. Through the circular, the CFPB warned against falsely marketing “no fee” or “free” services if the remittance transfer provider actually charges a fee, noting that “[w]ith respect to digital wallets or other similar products, it can be deceptive to market a transfer as ‘free’ if the provider imposes costs to convert funds into a different currency or withdraw funds,” and that “[i]t may also be deceptive to market international money transfers as ‘free’; if the provider is imposing costs on consumers through the exchange rate spread.” The Bureau also warned against “burying” promotional conditions in fine print, and falsely advertising how long a transfer will take especially if transfers may take longer to reach recipients. The circular would apply to traditional international money transfer providers, as well as “digital wallets” that send money internationally from the U.S. and would be part of the Bureau’s initiative to “rein in” alleged “junk fees.”

    Federal Issues CFPB CFPA Remittance UDAAP EFTA

  • DFPI orders deceptive debt collectors to desist and refrain, pay penalties

    State Issues

    On October 23, DFPI announced enforcement actions against four debt collectors for engaging in unlicensed debt collection activity, in violation of Debt Collection Licensing Act and unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices, in violation of the California Consumer Financial Protection Law. In its order against two entities, the department alleged that the entities contacted at least one California consumer and made deceptive statements in an attempt to collect a payday loan-related debt, among other things. In its third order against another two entities, DFPI alleged that a consumer was not provided the proper disclosures in a proposed settlement agreement to pay off their debts in a one-time payments. Additionally, DFPI alleged that the entity representatives made a false representation by communicating empty threats of an impending lawsuit.

    Under their orders (see here, here, and here), the entities must desist and refrain from engaging in illegal and deceptive practices, including (i) failing to identify as debt collectors; (ii) making false and misleading statements about payment requirements; (iii) threatening unlawful action, such as a lawsuit, because of nonpayment of a debt; (iv) contacting the consumer at a forbidden time of day; (iv) making false claims of pending lawsuits or legal process and the character, amount, or legal status of the debt; (v) failing to provide a “validation notice” ; and (vi) threatening to sue on time-barred debt.

    The entities are ordered to pay a combined $87,500 in penalties for each of the illegal and deceptive practices.

    State Issues DFPI Enforcement Debt Collection Deceptive UDAAP California CCFPL Consumer Finance Consumer Protection

  • OCC releases bank supervision operating plan for FY 2024

    On September 28, the OCC’s Committee on Bank Supervision released its bank supervision operating plan for fiscal year 2024. The plan outlines the agency’s supervision priorities and highlights several supervisory focus areas including: (i) asset and liability management; (ii) credit; (iii) allowances for credit losses; (iv) cybersecurity; (v) operations; (vi) digital ledger technology activities; (vii) change in management; (viii) payments; (ix) Bank Secrecy Act/AML compliance; (x) consumer compliance; (xi) Community Reinvestment Act; (xii) fair lending; and (xiii) climate-related financial risks.

    Two of the top areas of focus are asset and liability management and credit risk. In its operating plan the OCC says that “Examiners should determine whether banks are managing interest rate and liquidity risks through use of effective asset and liability risk management policies and practices, including stress testing across a sufficient range of scenarios, sensitivity analyses of key model assumptions and liquidity sources, and appropriate contingency planning.” With respect to credit risk, the OCC says that “Examiners should evaluate banks’ stress testing of adverse economic scenarios and potential implications to capital” and “focus on concentrations risk management, including for vulnerable commercial real estate and other higher-risk portfolios, risk rating accuracy, portfolios of highest growth, and new products.”

    The plan will be used by OCC staff to guide the development of supervisory strategies for individual national banks, federal savings associations, federal branches and agencies of foreign banking organizations, and certain identified third-party service providers subject to OCC examination.

    The OCC will provide updates about these priorities in its Semiannual Risk Perspective, as InfoBytes has previously covered here.

    Bank Regulatory Federal Issues OCC Supervision Digital Assets Fintech Privacy, Cyber Risk & Data Security UDAP UDAAP Bank Secrecy Act Anti-Money Laundering Climate-Related Financial Risks Fair Lending Third-Party Risk Management Risk Management

  • DFPI finalizes small business UDAAP and data reporting rule

    State Issues

    DFPI recently approved the final regulation for implementing and interpreting certain sections of the California Consumer Financial Protection Law (CCFPL) related to commercial financial products and services. After considering comments and releasing three rounds of modifications to Sections 1060, 1061, and 1062, the final regulation will, among other things, bring protections to small businesses seeking loans, by (i) defining and prohibiting unfair, deceptive, and abusive acts and practices in the offering or provision of commercial financing to small businesses, nonprofits, and family farms; and (ii) establishing data collection and reporting requirements.

    Previous InfoBytes coverage on the (i) initial modifications to the CCFPL proposed regulation can be found here; (ii) the second round of CCFPL modifications proposal is found here; and (iii) the third iteration of the modified CCFPL proposal is located here.

    This DFPI regulation was notably finalized on the heels of the CFPB’s finalized Section 1071 rule on small business lending data, which similarly will require financial institutions to collect and provide the Bureau data on lending to small businesses (covered by InfoBytes here)

    Sections 1060, 1061, and 1062 will be effective on October 1.

    State Issues Agency Rule-Making & Guidance State Regulators DFPI CCFPL Commercial Finance UDAAP Small Business Lending Consumer Finance California

  • CFPB issues Summer ’23 supervisory highlights

    Federal Issues

    On July 26, the CFPB released its Summer 2023 issue of Supervisory Highlights, which covers enforcement actions in areas such as auto origination, auto servicing, consumer reporting, debt collection, deposits, fair lending, information technology, mortgage origination, mortgage servicing, payday lending and remittances from June 2022 through March 2023. The Bureau noted significant findings regarding unfair, deceptive, and abusive acts or practices and findings across many consumer financial products, as well as new examinations on nonbanks.

    • Auto Origination: The CFPB examined auto finance origination practices of several institutions and found deceptive marketing of auto loans. For example, loan advertisements showcased cars larger and newer than the products for which actual loan offers were available, which misled consumers.
    • Auto Servicing: The Bureau’s examiners identified unfair and abusive practices at auto servicers related to charging interest on inflated loan balances resulting from fraudulent inclusion of non-existent options. It also found that servicers collected interest on the artificially inflated amounts without refunding consumers for the excess interest paid. Examiners further reported that auto servicers engaged in unfair and abusive practices by canceling automatic payments without sufficient notice, leading to missed payments and late fee assessments. Additionally, some servicers allegedly engaged in cross-collateralization, requiring consumers to pay other unrelated debts to redeem their repossessed vehicles.
    • Consumer Reporting: The Bureau’s examiners found that consumer reporting companies failed to maintain proper procedures to limit furnishing reports to individuals with permissible purposes. They also found that furnishers violated regulations by not reviewing and updating policies, neglecting reasonable investigations of direct disputes, and failing to notify consumers of frivolous disputes or provide accurate address disclosures for consumer notices.
    • Debt Collection: The CFPB's examinations of debt collectors (large depository institutions, nonbanks that are larger participants in the consumer debt collection market, and nonbanks that are service providers to certain covered persons) uncovered violations of the FDCPA and CFPA, such as unlawful attempts to collect medical debt and deceptive representations about interest payments.
    • Deposits: The CFPB's examinations of financial institutions revealed unfair acts or practices related to the assessment of both nonsufficient funds and line of credit transfer fees on the same transaction. The Bureau reported that this practice resulted in double fees being charged for denied transactions.
    • Fair Lending: Recent examinations through the CFPB's fair lending supervision program found violations of ECOA and Regulation B, including pricing discrimination in granting pricing exceptions based on competitive offers and discriminatory lending restrictions related to criminal history and public assistance income.
    • Information Technology: Bureau examiners found that certain institutions engaged in unfair acts by lacking adequate information technology security controls, leading to cyberattacks and fraudulent withdrawals from thousands of consumer accounts, causing substantial harm to consumers.
    • Mortgage Origination: Examiners found that certain institutions violated Regulation Z by differentiating loan originator compensation based on product types and failing to accurately reflect the terms of the legal obligation on loan disclosures.
    • Mortgage Servicing: Examiners identified UDAAP and regulatory violations at mortgage servicers, including violations related to loss mitigation timing, misrepresenting loss mitigation application response times, continuity of contact procedures, Spanish-language acknowledgment notices, and failure to provide critical loss mitigation information. Additionally, some servicers reportedly failed to credit payments sent to prior servicers after a transfer and did not maintain policies to identify missing information after a transfer.
    • Payday Lending: The CFPB identified unfair, deceptive, and abusive acts or practices, including unreasonable limitations on collection communications, false collection threats, unauthorized wage deductions, misrepresentations regarding debt payment impact, and failure to comply with the Military Lending Act. The report also highlighted that lenders reportedly failed to retain evidence of compliance with disclosure requirements under Regulation Z. In response, the Bureau directed lenders to cease deceptive practices, revise contract language, and update compliance procedures to ensure regulatory compliance.
    • Remittances: The CFPB evaluated both depository and non-depository institutions for compliance with the EFTA and its Regulation E, including the Remittance Rule. Examiners found that some institutions failed to develop written policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Remittance Rule's error resolution requirements, using inadequate substitutes or policies without proper implementation.

    Federal Issues CFPB Consumer Finance Consumer Protection Auto Lending Examination Mortgages Mortgage Servicing Mortgage Origination Supervision Nonbank UDAAP FDCPA CFPA ECOA Regulation Z Payday Lending EFTA Unfair Deceptive Abusive

  • NYDFS: Auto loan borrowers are entitled to rebates for cancelled ancillary products

    State Issues

    On July 18, NYDFS sent a letter reminding regulated auto lenders and auto loan servicers that they are responsible for ensuring certain rebates are credited to consumers whose vehicles were repossessed or were a total loss. During its examinations, NYDFS identified instances where certain institutions that finance ancillary products, such as extended warranties, vehicle service contracts, and guaranteed asset protection insurance, failed to properly calculate, obtain, and credit rebates to consumers as required. NYDFS explained that the terms of sale for such ancillary products “provide that if the vehicle is repossessed or is a total loss prior to the product’s expiration, the consumer is entitled to a rebate for the prorated, unused value of the product (a ‘Rebate’), payable first to the [i]nstitution to cover any deficiency balance, and then to the consumer.” NYDFS found that some institutions either neglected to pursue Rebates from the issuers of the ancillary products or miscalculated the owed amounts, adding that in some instances, institutions made initial requests for Rebates but did not follow through to ensure that they were received and credited to consumers.

    NYDFS explained that an institution’s failure to obtain and credit Rebates from unexpired ancillary products is considered to be unfair “because it causes or is likely to cause substantial injury to consumers who are made to pay or defend themselves against deficiency balances in excess of what the consumer legally owes.” The resulting injury caused to consumers is not outweighed by any countervailing benefits to consumers or to competition, NYDFS stressed.

    Additionally, NYDFS said an institution’s statements and claims of consumers’ deficiency balances that do not include correctly calculated and applied Rebates are considered to be deceptive, as they mislead consumers about the amount they owe after considering all setoffs. NYDFS said it expects institutions to fulfill their contractual obligations by ensuring Rebates are properly accounted for, either by deducting them from deficiency balances or issuing refund checks if no deficiency balance is owed.

    NYDFS further noted in its announcement that recent CFPB examinations found that certain auto loan servicers engaged in deceptive practices when they notified consumers of deficiency balances that misrepresented the inclusion of credits or rebates. The Bureau’s supervisory highlights from Winter 2019, Summer 2021, and Spring 2022 also revealed that collecting or attempting to collect miscalculated deficiency balances that failed to account for a lender’s entitled pro-rata refund constituted an unfair practice.

    State Issues Bank Regulatory State Regulators NYDFS Auto Finance Consumer Finance UDAAP Ancillary Products Deceptive Unfair CFPB Act

  • CFPB alleges UDAAP violations by “lease-to-own” financier

    Federal Issues

    On July 19, the CFPB announced it is suing a lease-to-own finance company that provides services that allows consumers, typically with limited access to traditional forms of credit for their financing, to finance merchandise or services over a 12-month period. According to the complaint, the Bureau claims that once a consumer falls behind on payments, the company’s purchase agreement essentially “lock[s] [consumers] into the 12-month schedule—even if they want to return or surrender their financed merchandise.”  The alleged violations include:

    • Misleading consumers. The company is accused of designing and implementing its financing program in a way that misleads consumers by using print advertisements featuring the phrase “100 Day Cash Payoff” without including details of the purchase agreement financing. The company is accused of misrepresenting that consumers could not terminate their agreement, that consumers could not return their merchandise, and that the “best” or “only” option for consumers who no longer want to finance their merchandise is to enter a “buy-back” agreement. The Bureau alleges that such conduct, among other things, violated the CFPA's prohibition on deceptive and abusive acts and practices.
    • Unlawful conditioning of credit extension. The company is accused of violating the EFTA and its implementing Regulation E by allegedly improperly requiring consumers to repay credit through preauthorized automated clearing house debits.
    • Failing to establish reasonable policies concerning consumer information. The Bureau alleges that the company violated the FCRA and its implementing Regulation V by not having adequate written policies and procedures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of consumer information that it furnished, considering the company’s “size, complexity, and scope.”

    The Bureau seeks, among other things, injunctions to prevent future violations, rescission or reformation of the company's financing agreements, redress to consumers, and civil money penalties.

    Federal Issues CFPB Consumer Finance Enforcement CFPA FCRA Regulation E Regulation V Deceptive Abusive UDAAP

  • CFPB, states sue company over deceptive student lending and collection

    Federal Issues

    On July 13, the CFPB joined state attorneys general from Washington, Oregon, Delaware, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia in taking action against an education firm accused of engaging in deceptive marketing and unfair debt collection practices. California’s Department of Financial Protection and Innovation is participating in the action as well. Prior to filing for bankruptcy, the Delaware-based defendant operated a private, for-profit vocational training program for software sales representatives. The joint complaint, filed as an adversary proceeding in the firm’s bankruptcy case, alleges that the defendant charged consumers up to $30,000 for its programs. The complaint further alleges that the defendant encouraged consumers who could not pay upfront to enter into income share agreements, which required minimum payments equal to between 12.5 and 16 percent of their gross income for 4 to 8 years or until they had paid a total of $30,000, whichever came first.

    The complaint asserts that the defendant engaged in deceptive practices by misrepresenting its income share agreement as not a loan and not debt, and mislead borrowers into believing that no payments would need to be made until they received a job offer from a technology company with a minimum annual income of $60,000. The defendant is also accused of failing to disclose important financing terms, such as the amount financed, finance charges, and annual percentage rates, as required by TILA and Regulation Z. The complaint also claims that the defendant hired two debt collection companies to pursue collection activities on defaulted income share loans. One of the defendant debt collectors is accused of engaging in unfair practices by filing debt collection lawsuits in remote jurisdictions where consumers neither resided nor were physically present when the financing agreements were executed. The complaint further alleges the two defendant debt collectors violated the FDCPA and the CFPA by deceptively inducing consumers into settlement agreements and falsely claiming they owed more than they did.

    According to the Bureau and the states, after the Delaware Department of Justice and Delaware courts began scrutinizing the debt collection lawsuits, the defendant unilaterally changed the terms of its contracts with consumers to force them into arbitration even though none of them had agreed to arbitrate their claims. Additionally, the complaint contends that settlement agreements marketed as being “beneficial” to consumers actually released consumers’ claims against the defendant and converted income share loans into revised “settlement agreements” that obligated them to make recurring monthly payments for several years and contained burdensome dispute resolution and collection terms.

    The complaint seeks permanent injunctive relief, monetary relief, consumer redress, and civil money penalties. The CFPB and states are also seeking to void the income share loans.

    Federal Issues State Issues Courts State Attorney General State Regulators CFPB Consumer Finance Student Lending Debt Collection Income Share Agreements Deceptive Unfair UDAAP FDCPA CFPA TILA Regulation Z Enforcement


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