Webcasts & Speaking Engagements
Mortgage Servicing Reforms 2011 Webinar
Jeffrey Naimon participated in the Mortgage Servicing Reforms 2011 Webinar on April 28, 2011.
The federal regulators’ new consent orders and upcoming state attorneys general settlements are pushing mortgage servicing reforms on the industry at a fast pace. Join us and this stellar panel for an interactive discussion of the latest servicing regulatory developments. You’ll learn from the differentperspectives of a servicer, a state regulator exec and two legal experts.
The mortgage servicing landscape has changed dramatically in recent days withthe announcement of federal banking agency consent decrees with 14 majormortgage servicers. And looming on the horizon are more agreements andsettlements with state regulators that will further redefine if not revampmortgage servicing practices in the months ahead. Find out what these new and planned regulatory developments mean for the servicing business and its players at this must-attend webinar on April 28 at 2 pm EDT.
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